What are ranked ballots?

Ranked Ballots (also known as Ranked Choice Ballots) allow voters to choose multiple candidates, ranked in order of preference. If someone wins 50% or more of the vote, they are declared the winner and the election is over.

However, if no one receives more than 50% the candidate with the least votes is eliminated from the race. Ranked Ballots is also known as Instant Runoff Voting because if your preferred candidate is eliminated from the race, your vote is automatically transferred to the second choice you gave on your ballot. In any given round, each voter has a single vote, just like our current system.

Again, the votes are counted and if someone has a majority, they are declared the winner. If not, another candidate is eliminated, their supporter’ other choices are transferred and the process repeats until there is a majority winner.

The goal of Ranked Ballots Windsor is to educate and encourage citizens of Windsor and  Windsor City Council take advantage of The Municipal Elections Act and switch to Ranked Ballots for our next municipal election.